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An action packed thrill ride and one of Tom Cruise’s best films Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is the best pure action film of the year. From the first frame Protocol grabbed me and didn’t let go even in the few peaceful moments.
The world is in danger once again and only the IMF team can save it. A Russian maniac named Sidorov plans to hearken back to the cold war and “win” an atomic war. Sidorov (Vladimir Mashkov) determines that the world has no hope without it and naturally only America’s IMF team can stop him. The problem: the United States has disavowed the team and their only resource is a single train car full of amazing electronics and top level weapons.
To stop the maniac the IMF team must infiltrate the Kremlin steal files and escape scot-free. Unfortunately Sidorov has anticipated them and blows up the Kremlin and pins it on the hapless team. Now they must find away to grab Russian launch codes, find a way to control the tallest building in the world, capture or kill the Russian and prevent WWIII. All in a days work for the Mission Impossible boys and girls.
With stunning visuals and jaw dropping stunts it’s “impossible” to imagine a more perfect action junkie film. I damn near had to close my eyes during the ultimate climbing scene. Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) must climb up the side of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. 130 stories in the air the fearless Hunt dangled from his remaining climbing glove and gave the audience (and me) heart palpitations.
With Director Brad Bird at the helm, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is not only the best of the series but one of the best of the breed. Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner and Paula Patton all add great depth to the film but it is Cruise that makes it. Cruise manages to expand his character and finally bring some real emotion to the part. He is the star!
One comment on Pegg: Simon Pegg is a great lead man (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) but he can also manages to be one of the best character actors of the day (Star Trek‘s Scottie and Impossible’s Benji). This guy is a traditional comic genius and cannot wait to see what he does next.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is a must see for all Movie Maniacs and action junkies but it’s also a should see for all movie fans.
Rating: 4.5 tubs of hot buttered popcorn and a large bag of Peanut M&Ms
We all come down to the wire and find were one gift short. Here are a some suggestions to pick up on your last minute Christmas shopping spree.
Serenity – If you want scifi action mixed with great comedy and strong characters this is for you! It also has one of the best villains of all time!
Moon – This movies is hard for me to explain. It has a 2001 feel to it with a Castaway feel to it but with so much heart. Sam Rockwell is just amazing and brings so much emotion to what could be a stale character. And what Kevin Spacey is able to accomplish with just his voice is equally amazing!
The Prestige – In my opinion one of the best revenge / rivalry movies of all time! Both Hugh Jackman and Christian are excellent not to mention another fine performance from Michael Caine.
Being There – Being There is an incredible example of what a consummate comedic actor can do with a fiercely challenging role. An oddball comedy starring Peter Sellers, Being There is the story of an extremely simple man named Chance. In a character that may be his most unusual and best Sellers manages to stay in character and by “chance” and childlike trust charms some of the most powerful people in the nation. Every film fan needs to see Being There at least once.
If you can believe your own eyes, and some incredible buzz, The Adventures of Tin Tin should be your first pic for the Christmas holiday. With incredible action, stunning visuals and a pretty darn good story I’m truly looking forward to it. Release date: December, 21, 2011.

My second pick is War Horse. The trailer looks phenomenal, it’s directed by Steven Spielberg and what better type film to watch at Christmas: a war picture with people dying in droves. It really should be an excellent film but probably not one for kids (except really violent ones).
The third choice for me is We Bought a Zoo. I like the story, the cast seems solid and I’m hoping it could be fun. I’m a bit reserved but with Matt Damon and Scarlet Johannson in the lead how bad could it be. Forget I said that, but at least the kids should love it…how can they not. Let me know what you think!

Hugo is a a brilliant film done simply but beautifully by the great Martin Scorsese. The young Hugo is a newly orphaned savant from a family of superlative watchmakers, and he is stuck in a train station. Hugo’s father has died, his uncle disappeared and Hugo lives barely by stealing food from vendors around the station.
Hugo’s nemesis, the station inspector (Sacha Baron Cohen), is an emotionally underdeveloped casualty of WW1, as is the entire city of Paris. Until Hugo (Asa Butterfield) manages to become involved with one of these victims, a toy shop owner named Georges Méliès (Ben Kingsley) his life is bleak. Méliès is a bitter filmmaker whose exceptional career died after the horror that was the Great War. Movie goers no longer wanted the beautiful, uplifting wonder of his pictures. Georges was forced to give up his studio and settle for a tiny toy shop in the station. Hugo, in an attempt to rebuild an automaton his father discovered, steals parts from the aging shop owner.
Hugo is the story of these very different people and their voyage to the discovery that Méliès is not forgotten and Hugo no longer alone. With Hugo and George, with the help of young Isabelle (Chloë Grace Moretz) and her charming smile and sense of wonder find that life still holds hope and splendor.
The story is fun, the plot solid, if simple, and the casting inspired. Brilliant direction, beautiful cinematography and exceptional performances make this wonderful film a joy to watch and one certain to bring people back to Hugo again and again.
I heartily recommend Hugo to adults and children alike and suggest seeing Hugo with young people. Only then may you get the entire impact of Martin Scorsese’s latest masterpiece.
Hugo is five large popcorn tubs out of five!
This is the movie I’ve been waiting for most of my life. The book is titled A Princess of Mars and is one of the great action/adventure/love stories of all time. Written by Edgar Rice Burroughs and enduring as well as any story in the last 100 years if they follow the book, and looking at the trailer it appears so, John Carter of Mars should be a real treat. In theaters March 9th. Enjoy!
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