Category Archives: Underground Episodes

It’s time to for another horror filled Underground episode! We’ve got some wide release fun with The Belko Experiment. A possible hidden gem in The Autopsy of Jane Doe. And yet another re-imagining of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in Leatherface, plus tons more! So dim the lights, lock the doors and join us as we bring you a dose of the dark side of the movies!

We want your  input to help make the show better! Whether its movie reviews or show suggestions or maybe a hidden gem your dying to tell someone about! We’re all ears! We want you to be a part of the show!  You call the voicemail number  260-573-0015,  or email us at: You can also post them to TwitterFacebook

Good evening movie fiends! Can you feel it? That cold ain’t the weather. That’s the Underground approaching, bringing you our Top 5 Horror Remakes or as we like say ” so nice they killed them twice” From  The Hills have Eyes to Halloween we try to cover em all! If we missed one of your favorites or a hidden gem, let us know by calling the voicemail at #260-573-0015, email us at or you can post your thoughts on TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

Top 5 Horror Sequels

It’s time to crawl back into the Underground and talk some horror! Many of our favorite horror movies spawned sequels, some we’re as terrifying as the original and others went the way of pure camp! but one thing for sure is the body count was going to climb and the anticipation of what will they do next to scare us grew exponentially We invite you to join us as we hack and slash our way through our Top 5 Horror Sequels episode! Did we miss on one of your favorites or a hidden gem? If so help us out by calling the voicemail number 260-573-0015 or you can email us at: And to round everything out can also post them to TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+


It’s time once again to crawl back into The Underground and delve into the world of horror! The master of horror DJ and Doug are back to bring you the Most Anticipated Horror Movies of 2017! We’re covering everything from wide releases to straight to DVD and maybe even a few grey market releases if you know what I mean!. So turn down the lights and listen in then let us know your Most Anticipated Horror Movies of 2017! Did we miss some of your favorites? If we did help us be better by sending your  picks  too or call the voice mail #number 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+



Are you in the mood for Halloween yet? Are you struggling to find those last few movies to get you through to Halloween night? Look no further than our ghoulish & ghastly and might I say sometimes funny 31 Movies To Get You In The Mood For Halloween Pt.3 episode!  Halloween is such a fun time and there are so many great movies out there that capture the spirit of this fantastic time of year! Did we miss some of your favorites? If we did help us be better by sending your picks  of the 31 movies you watch to get in the mood for Halloween! Send them too or call the voice mail #number 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+


Halloween is right around the corner and we are smack dab in the middle of our monstrous 31 Movies To Get You In The Mood For Halloween countdown! We’ve mixed in some all time classics and some hidden gem for your listening pleasure. Heck we’ve even got some for the kids! But one thing for sure is, there is no way we’ve gotten all your favorites! and we won’t get them if you don’t tell us! So help a brother out and send us your lists of the 31 movies you watch to get in the mood for Halloween! Send them too or call the voice mail # 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+


With Halloween rapidly approaching we’re all looking for a good scare or a great ghost story! Halloween brings on a feeling of excitement and mystery of what’s lurking behind that locked door or that eerie bump in the night! Then Bang!!! your imagination gets the best of you and you are totally terrified! Then the sigh of relief that it was only the wind… or was it? This is what makes Halloween so great! And a select few movies give you that exact same feeling! We wanted to kick start your Halloween season with a 31 Movies To Get You In The Mood For Halloween episode! Listen in and see if our picks are some your favorites! Did we miss one of your picks? If we did send us your list of movies to get you in the mood for Halloween. Send them too or call the voice mail # 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

Underground EP2

It’s time once again for us to descend into another Underground episode! How deep does the underground go you ask? Well in this episode we sprinkle in some witches, twist endings and cannibals! And if that’s not enough we’ve got some demonic possession and psychological thriller to round things out! If there is a movie we’re missing or a topic you want us to cover help us out and become part of the show by calling  the voicemail number  260-573-0015,  or email us at: You can also post them to TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

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One of the genres we often overlook here at the Movie Madness Podcast is horror, not because it isn’t a great genre. Heck some of the greatest movies ever have been horror movies! Not to mention some of the most iconic characters have been from horror movies! What would movies be without Frankenstein or Dracula? Maybe Peter Vincent ” Vampire Killer” is more your style! No matter your preference be it classic horror, foreign horror all the way to 80’s slashers The Underground‘s gonna have you covered! And fear not! Our regular Movie Madness Podcast episodes are going to keep on keeping on! Bringing you more movie goodness!  We want your  input to help make the show better! Whether its movie reviews or show suggestions or maybe a hidden gem your dying to tell someone about! We’re all ears!  You can call the voicemail number  260-573-0015,  or email us at: You can also post them to TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

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