Tag Archives: Alec Baldwin

This is by far the best in the series and this is why:

  • Mission Impossible: make a movie with great action, terrific characters and an awesome plot and story…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
  • Mission Improbable: add some great practical effects mixed in with CGI and come up with believable action sequences…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
  • Mission Implausible: manage to keep the audience engaged and in their seats for the entire film without the usual “Aw C’mon,” gasp…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation is easily “best of breed” and also my favorite of the franchise. Not once was I thrown out of the film by some cheesy special effect or lame piece of dialogue.

The IMF gang is in disarray. Alen Hunley (Alec Baldwin), head of the CIA, is coming after the team with the intention of taking it apart under the auspices of Langley. Unfortunately there’s a terrorist organization (think Specter or Chaos) intent on taking over the world and destroying IMF first. Enter Ethan, Benji and Luther and expect tons of action! With great direction and cinematography and a terrific sense of humor, Rogue Nation is a hit.

Unfortunately not all is perfect. The bad guy, Solomon Lane (Sean Harris), suffers in comparison to any of the Movie Madness Top Male Villains. Alan Rickman or Jack Nicholson, either one, could kick his butt and, the movie is a bit predictable. Particularly having seen even one of the trailers, it’s easy to see where it’s going. Agree or not I think you’ll like this one.

4.5 out of 5 stars and you just have to see this one in the theater!

As always let us know what you think at: moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail # 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+






Category: Reviews

It seems like Rise of The Guardians starring Alec Baldwin, Chris Pine, Hugh Jackman and Jude Law flew under the radar this holiday season. Luckily for us Jeremy took the time to check it out! Listen in to find out if Rise Of The Guardians is a holiday classic or just another DVD rental. Let us know what you thought of Rise of The Guardians. Send your reviews to moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail # 260-573-0015

Great trailer, great characters and, what looks like a great plot, makes this movie look like one to see. Add Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Paul Giamatti, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Russell Brand and I actually cannot wait. The trailer looks awesome and hopefully it’s as funny as it looks! The release date is June, 15th, 2012…see you there!

Category: News, Trailers

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