Tag Archives: Comic-Con

Comic Con Trailers

For comic book fans and movie lovers there is no greater time of the year or better place to be than Comic-Con!! Heck, it should be a national holiday! Come on Valentines day is totally made up! And lets not get started on the Superbowl… I digress, whether its the all-star panels or amazing cosplay costumes  and movie memorabilia on display there is something for everyone. But nothing brings out more anticipation and emotion than the trailer reveals for upcoming blockbusters! This year was no exception. So we invite you to join us as we crank up our geekdom about the trailers for Justice League & Wonder Woman how can one look so good and one so bad and could a certain Lego super hero be the best of the three? Can Marvel continue the epic roll its on with Dr. Strange? We also get a glimpse of the repercussions from the Flash‘s time altering choice in the season two finale in a first look season three trailer! I know what your thinking… ” not big enough!” Alrighty how about a giant freaking gorilla!!! Yep we gotta King Kong reboot in Kong: Skull Island!! Wow there is so much packed into this episode! We also couldn’t help but to gush over Stranger Things the Netflix original series. If you haven’t taken the time to watch we hope we can convince you to not miss out on one of the best we’ve seen in a long long time!. And finally we put the Ghostbusters 2016 debate and debacle to bed once and for all! and hence proclaim it the Lord Voldermort  of 2016! As always, you can let us know what you think about these trailers or any of our episodes, the movies we review or give us your Top 5s, 10s or 25s at: moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail # 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

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