Tag Archives: Dennis Quaid

Okay, I promise, this movie will make a ton at the box office…unfortunately so. San Andreas will probably be the most physically (and geologically) impossible catastrophe movie ever made and spawn more of the same. I trust that people will see it in droves, without any thought to the logic inspiring it. What will be unbearable, at least to me, is the presence of Dwayne Johnson.

It makes a bad disaster film somewhat tolerable, should there be an excellent actor, but when a pure action hero shows up it usually makes a disaster film a mockery. I hearken to The Day After Tomorrow. Dennis Quaid is hardly an excellent actor but he brought some gravitas to an otherwise ludicrous attempt. I bemoan the choice of “The Rock,” but, oh well, I’ll be there the first weekend. Stay tuned for the review! See you there May 29th!

Category: Trailers

In another slow week at the box office, Tom once again stepped up and saw The Words. Starring Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana, Dennis Quaid and Jeremy Irons. Listen to Tom’s review and let us know your thoughts on The Words. You can send your reviews to moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or even better call in with your review 260-573-0015 If you want to send in other reviews we welcome them also!

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