Tag Archives: Jonah Hill

Mega Mini Review 2We have finally emerged from the darkness of our favorite theater and boy do we have some reviews for you! Pop in your ear-buds and join us as we review Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie, Sharlto Copley and Elle Fanning. We reset and review Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. Then its a trip down 22 Jump Street with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill. After that Jeremy tries to transform Transformers: Edge of Extinction starring Mark Wahlberg into a good movie! But wait there’s more! Craig weighs in on Clint Eastwoods Jersey Boys and Tammy starring Melissa McCarthy. Finally we saved the best for last! How to Train Your Dragon 2 starring Jay Baruchel and Cate Blanchett could this be the best animated movie of the year? We’ve given our reviews let us know yours call us 260-573-0015 email us moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or post on our Twitter or Facebook Page

This Is The End and Man of Steel

In this round of Mini Reviews we discuss two of our most anticipated movies of the year! The comedy This Is The End starring James Franco, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen. The guys also weigh in on Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams and Michael Shannon. Add in Russel Crowe, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane to round out a star studded cast! Does all the star power add up to a great Superman movie? Did This Is The End deserve to make our most anticipated list? Listen in and find out what the guys think. Now let us know  your reviews of This Is The End and Man of Steel or any movie we may have missed! Send them to moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail number 260-573-0015

The Movie Maniac Craig and Tommy are back once again! This time to make sure you have the proper protection! Has the Madea franchise run its course? And with a cast of Ben Stiller,Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill, The Watch has to be funny, right? Listen in and see what the guys think. If you would like to send us your reviews of these two movies or any movie! you can email us moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or even better you can call the voice mail # 260-573-0015. We’re always looking for movie reviewers!

21 Jump Street is my favorite movie of the year so far! The dialogue is witty, the characters real (if exaggerated) and the action refreshing. The chemistry between Tatum Channing and Jonah Hill is remarkable. They seem like extremely unlikely best friends.

The film is based on an 80s TV show by the same name about young looking cops that infiltrate high schools and colleges to solve crime. Tatum Channing is Jenko, a classically good looking athlete whose only goal in life had been popularity till he tried to become a cop. Jonah Hill is Schmidt, a brilliant if socially stunted individual that doesn’t come into his own till he meets Jenko. The two find themselves at the police, Jenko unable to compete academically and Schmidt physically. Jenko and Schmidt combine forces to make a pretty good team, Jenko scraping by in the classroom and Schmidt managing to avoid stumbling over himself long enough to graduate.

Unfortunately the team is very much a screw up but they do have one thing going for them, they look young. After a particularly harsh berating by their captain Jenko and Schmidt are assigned to the one place their unique talents, and seeming youth, fit, 21 Jump Street. Jump Street is a team of young looking police officers that, like the original TV team, attempt to solve young adult crime. Their methods are unorthodox, their captain (played by Ice Cube) a classic TV/film archetype and their assignment an unusual one, find the supplier of a unique new hallucinogenic drug.

What makes 21 Jump Street so good, and original, is the complete role reversal of character. When Jenko and Schmidt arrive at the school they forget their respective characters and they get switched. Jenko gets assigned to AP Chemistry and Schmidt to the fluff classes including Drama. I don’t want to spoil the rest of the role reversal, it’s truly classic, but expect a fun change in the social structure.

The guys throw a party for the kids, complete with alcohol and pot, manage to win them over and begin the task of infiltrating the school. What happens when Schmidt for the first time becomes part of the popular crowd and Jenko the science outcasts is the stuff of classic film and elevates 21Jump Street to one of the best TV to film transitions that’s ever been done.

Surprisingly, the acting is pretty good, the characters well developed and the story elements superb. Everything fits together like a well planned puzzle. There is a sub plot of drug use but it doesn’t undermine the main plot or seem gratuitous. It just fits nicely into the larger puzzle.

You will probably love the film, I did!

Rating 4.5 stars out of 5.

Category: News, Reviews

The Movie Maniac Craig has emerged from the theater once again! Listen in to find out if 21 Jump Street is the start of something big or something that should have been left in the past. I think you’ll be surprised! As always leave a comment or your review here or on our facebook page.

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