Tag Archives: Man Of Steel

It’s time for the Cavill Quandry Pt.2! In part one James and Jeremy offered up the positive and optimistic tone  to the parting of ways between DC and Henry Cavill. And in an effort to provide a solution to the whats next fort the Superman Character, they laid out their best scenarios. Now for part two we turn to the dark side and the Movie Maniac Craig! While Jeremy and James were sad to see Henry Cavill go. Craig couldn’t be happier! Listen in as Craig goes all Lex Luthor on Jeremy and James beloved Henry Cavill. Can the Superman character be recast and the DC Cinematic Universe remain intact? Surprisingly even with all their differences the guys can agree on one thing, You’ll have to listen in to find out what it is!

As always we want to hear from you! With your movie reviews, ideas for show topics or just let us know what your watching by calling the voice mail number! 260-573-0015, email us at moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or post your thoughts on TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community

I think Andy Dufresne summed it up best when he said “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” Well it looks like DC is ignoring good ole Andy Dufresne, by trying its hardest to to kill off all hope of building a (D.C.U.DC Cinematic Universe. How might they do that? Green Lantern! Just a bump in the road. Batfleck! No not enough, How about Martha! Getting warmer. I know lets get rid of or recast again, arguably the greatest character we’ve ever had! All this while trying to build on the interconnected and  immensely popular Wonder Woman franchise! And let’s not forget Aquaman has barely even gotten his feet wet. All this leads us to The Cavill Quandry, Will Henry Cavill continue as the Icon and beacon of hope for the D.C.U.? Or is this the beginning of the end for the D.C.U.? Join the guys and special guest & friend of the show James from JPFlash Comics Geekdom on youtube, discuss this massive bombshell that has been dropped on the comic book world!

As always we want to hear from you! With your movie reviews, ideas for show topics or just let us know what your watching by calling the voice mail number! 260-573-0015, email us at moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or post your thoughts on TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community



This Is The End and Man of Steel

In this round of Mini Reviews we discuss two of our most anticipated movies of the year! The comedy This Is The End starring James Franco, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen. The guys also weigh in on Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams and Michael Shannon. Add in Russel Crowe, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane to round out a star studded cast! Does all the star power add up to a great Superman movie? Did This Is The End deserve to make our most anticipated list? Listen in and find out what the guys think. Now let us know  your reviews of This Is The End and Man of Steel or any movie we may have missed! Send them to moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail number 260-573-0015

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