Tag Archives: robert duvall

Mega Mini Review 3Sometimes you have to go big! And thats just what we’ve done! Not our normal one, two or three reviews but eight!!! I’ll tell you if the fall and winter seasons keep delivering movies like these the year might just be saved! So grab your ear buds and listen in as we review the Christopher Nolan Sci-Fi adventure Interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain. The potential launch of a new franchise in Disneys Big Hero 6. What I think may be one of the best pure action movies I’ve seen in years John Wick starring Keanu Reeves. The ultra creepy Nightcrawler starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo and Bill Paxton. Usually we’re done by now but we’ve packed even more into this Mega Mini Review! We review the excellent WWII tank battle movie Fury starring Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman and John Bernthal. Rounding things out we have the family/courtroom drama The Judge starring Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall and our last two reviews to finally finish things off we review St. Vincent starring Bill Murray and Melissa McCarthey. And Dracula Untold starring  Luke Evans

Hey, send your movie reviews to moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail # 260-573-0015 or post them to Twitter, Facebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

The Judge 575x354Dysfunctonal family dramas  are not my favourite genre of movie. They often recycle plots and tropes  from other classics, such as Terms of Endearment, which is the gold standard. There is always a black sheep of the family that comes back home after a long absence to help with a family crisis. There is usually an old girlfiend that still lives in the same town and is surprisingly, not married . What elevates a drama for me is the casting choices, chemistry between the actors , and the acting range shown,  A satisfying family drama has to make me both laugh and cry . This is Where I Leave You , a similar  movie where a son had unresolved father -son issues was  well acted, but the script was average, I did laugh but was never moved enough o cry .

Downey and Duvall did make me cry, as well most of the female audience members in the theater!  Downey still has the cocky confidence of Tony Stark , but without the smartass quips, gadgets, or Pepper Potts to back him up. This is the most range he has shown since being nominated for Chaplin 15 years ago , and his first drama since 2009’s The Soloist , which I also enjoyed.

Ever since Robert Duvall’s  breakthrough role in To Kill a Mockingbird as Boo Radley, he hasn’t given a bad performance. Initially unlikable, his humanity and core decency shines through making him a very sympathetic character by the end.

I thought the casting of Billy Bob Thornton as the opposing counsel, was perfect , as well as Vera Farmigia  ( Up in the Air)  who was his first serious girlfriend , but after a bad car accident  and a big fight with his father , Hank decides to leave town for good after a rock concert.

The courtroom scenes were phenomenal , and although the movie is 142 minutes long, it never dragged once and I could have watch another hour. My dad liked it so much he stayed until all the end credits were done .

It is a 4.5 out of 5, my Top Movie of 2014, and I really think  1 or both of the lead actors will receive Oscar nominations .


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