Tag Archives: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

2014 Summer Movie RetrospectiveJoin Doug, Jeremy and Craig for a definitive look at the summer blockbuster season. We address everything from the best and worst, the most fun and the biggest surprises. We’ll even tell you which ones were tremendous disappointments.

You’ll also discover whether Guardians of the Galaxy was a hit, like Jeremy predicted, or a dog. You’ll also discover if Jonah Hill and Tatum Channing managed to rekindle the bromance and if Godzilla needs Jenny Craig. The guys had fun and you will too…In other words, DON’T MISS THIS ONE!

UFR-Unlikely HeroesWe always strive to have great top 5 lists for you and just when we think we’ve got the best list possible our great movie friends/listeners one up us with wow picks that we missed and there is no way we couldn’t pass up talking about your Unlikely Movie Heroes! We invite you to join us for a new segment of the show we’re going to call Upon Further Review! Where its all about you and your lists. If you want to be a part of the show don’t be shy just call the voice mail # 260-573-0015 or email us at: moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com you can also post them to TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community on Google+

Amazing Spiderman 575x389Greetings wall crawlers! Your neighborhood web heads are back once again, bringing you their Spoiler Alert!: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 episode. Being huge comic book fans we just couldn’t resist digging into The Amazing Spider-Man 2. How has Andrew Garfield grown as Spider-man? Is Electro a worthy villian? Who’s the better Aunt May? Did I mention Harry Osborn shows up! All this and more is answered! So listen in and then let us know what you thought of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. email us moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call us 260-573-0015 you can also post your comments on our Twitter or Facebook page.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2We do love our comic book movies here at the Movie Madness Podcast and Spider-Man is one of our all time favorites! There has been great debate amongst Jeremy, Craig and Doug about how good The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be. Well the wait is finally over and the guys sit down to give you their spoiler free review of The Amazing Spider-man 2! starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx. Which one of the guys review is closest to yours? We want your Amazing Spider- Man 2 movie reviews! Phone them in 260-573-0015 or you can email them to moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com. You can even post them on our Twitter or Face Book Page.

FROM THE HIP 575X432Join Doug, Jeremy and the Movie Maniac Craig in discussing The Hobbit:The Desolation of Smaug, the new trailers for X-Men: Days of Future Past, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Edge of Tomorrow and many more! Also what we’re watching. This is a great episode done in true Movie Madness Podcast fashion, no holds barred and no stone left unturned. Find out who likes The Hobbit, what trailers bode well for the future and what you need to be watching on Netflix, Amazon Prime and even some hints on what to watch on TV. This should be a great one! You can watch all the trailers we discuss at our Facebook Page Let us know what you thought about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and of the trailers we discussed by emailing us moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or call the voice mail number 260-573-0015 you can also post on our Facebook page or Twitter

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