Tag Archives: Warner Bros.

With 2020 crashing to a close and the outlook for 2021 to be somewhat of a holding pattern. You would think there wasn’t much to get excited about for pop culture and movie lovers. But there is a glimmer hope! HBO Max and Disney+ have both dropped major bombs! Disney is set to roll out a major expansion to the Star Wars and Marvel universe. And not to be upstaged HBO Max and Warner Bros. are bringing their theatrical releases to HBO Max on the same day! There is so much to talk about! Are same day theatrical and streaming releases here to stay? Will it destroy the theater business as we know it? Can Disney build of the momentum of The Mandalorian with their new Star Wars additions? And if that’s not enough How will Marvels new offerings carry the MCU going forward? This is the kind of episode we get so excited about! Just the fun anticipation of what’s coming! Hopefully you enjoy listening as much as we did recording! Grab your headphones and listen in!

As always we want to hear from you! With your movie reviews, ideas for show topics or just let us know what your watching by calling the voice mail number! 260-573-0015, email us at moviemadnesspodcast@gmail.com or post your thoughts on TwitterFacebook or the Ultimate Movie Geeks community

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